"I bought the machine because I WANTED THE OPPORTUNITY FOR MY PATIENTS TO BE CURED WITH SONOTRON. I had my own experience when my mum had back pain. Muslims have to bow and bend when we pray. There is a lot of movement of the back."
"One day when I passed by my mother's bedroom and saw her praying, I noticed that she was in agony. I took her everywhere for treatment. Being a GP, I tried all the latest medicines in the market. I even brought her to see an orthopaedic specialist. An X-ray was done and she was treated with physiotherapy but they did not work."
"Then 1 took my mum to be treated by a doctor with a Sonotron. She had 3 sessions in one week and SHE WAS CURED."
Sonotron Therapy
"5 years ago, I was introduced to Sonotron by two salesmen."
"Only when my mother had her problem solved, I then realized that it would be a wonderful thing if I could give to my patients the Sonotron treatments in my clinic. IT WAS NOT THE MONEY. IT WAS NOT THE BUSINESS. IT IS SOMETHING THAT YOU SEE WHEN A PATIENT GETS CURED WITH IT. I then bought it."
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