We are pleased to share his comments with you.
"I bought the Sonotron about 11 months ago and I have been using it every day ever since." |
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"l did some research over the internet and found it to be very useful in treating a lot of conditions. Also, we tried it on ourselves and found that it worked. So, we were quite impressed and bought it."
"Since I bought the Sonotron device, the number of patients had increased and most of my patients were happy to come back to the clinic for more treatments because they knew the Sonotron will cure their ailments and they will not need to take any medication."
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"When I first started, l had 4 to 5 patients a day."
"As the days went by, many of the patients who had repeat injuries started to come back for treatments because they knew that the Sonotron device worked and they could get well immediately without any medication."
"Many of them came back for the second and third time just for Sonotron Therapy and didn’t want to see the doctor for their normal treatments.”
"Also, as the days went by, those patients became aware that Sonotron could be used not only for the injuries which they had, such as sports injuries, but for others too. They read the pamphlets and discussed with other patients who were waiting for Sonotron Therapy in the waiting room."
"Subsequently, many of them recommended Sonotron to their friends, colleagues and family members who immediately started coming for treatments."
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“Nowadays, I see many Sonotron patients. Some of them didn’t even want to see the doctor, but just the therapist”.
"I can get about 10 to 20 patients per day. "There were days when the Sonotron machine had been used from 9.00 a.m. till 5.00 p.m."
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"The Sonotron machine is quite unique. It can be used for acute and chronic cases. It can also be used for young and old patients and for many types of ailments.”
Sonotron can be used from head to toe |
"I used the Sonotron to treat most of the chronic ailments. Examples are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lower backache, cervical spondylosis, ankylosing spondylitis, shoulder injuries, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger. There were a few other conditions that were not related to musculoskeletal systems which the Sonotron is very good for as well such as chronic sinusitis, bronchial asthma, paralysis following a stroke. I have also used it for peptic ulcers which improved quite immediately after the Sonotron treatment."
“For the acute cases, they were mainly musculoskeletal injuries after a fall or after a sports injury. I have also used Sonotron to treat patients who had minor complaints, such as a bad sore throat or bad cough. I gave them a few TUs (a TU or Treatment Unit is a dose of Sonotron energy lasting 15 seconds) and they improved within a day which was actually what the patients wanted."
Sonotron is excellent for patients with sports injuries |
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"When I first bought the Sonotron machine, I had to pick the patients and then recommended the Sonotron treatment to them. It was not difficult but I had to convince the patients that Sonotron worked. For the first month, I used to get about 4 or 5 patients a day."
"Initially, I wished I could advertise that I had a Sonotron machine so that more patients could come to the clinic. However, I did not have to because many of the patients who were cured also knew the various other indications of the Sonotron after reading the pamphlets and from discussions with other patients who were waiting for the Sonotron treatment. So, when their friends, colleagues or family members had some of those ailments, they recommended them to us."
Sonotron delivers excellent patient satisfaction |
"Within a few months, I found that the number of patients seeking Sonotron therapy had increased by itself."
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“At first when I bought the Sonotron machine, I thought it was very expensive.”
"But, I then realized that all other medical equipment are very expensive as well. For example, the X-ray machine which I bought cost about RM 100,000. An ultra-sound machine costs RM 75,000. I have a few friends who had bought the laser machine which cost them RM 750,000 a unit. Despite the costs, most of them still make money."
Sonotron Therapy is cost effective to patients |
"Before I bought the Sonotron machine, I knew that I would be able to get the number of patients to service the instalments for the loan. And, as the number of patients increased, I started to make profits as well."
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"Yes, from the first month itself, I had already made a net profit."
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"Before I bought the Sonotron machine, I used to treat patients by giving them medication. Some of the ailments, such as muscle pull or sports injury, could last from one to two weeks and some even 3 weeks."
“Now, I find that many of these ailments get well immediately after the first treatment, or the most is after 2 to 3 treatments. I think the Sonotron machine is a necessity."
"I think I will be handicapped if the Sonotron machine is not available to me for use even for a few days."
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"Some of the medical equipment like ultra-sound machine, laser machine, can only be used in certain conditions."
“I find that the Sonotron machine can be used for more conditions and is a better source for income generation."
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"At the present moment, I only have one Sonotron machine."
"Most of the days, I found that there were about 4 to 5 patients at a time waiting to use the Sonotron machine."
"Many a time, patients had to wait for a few hours just to be treated with the Sonotron. I feel that there will be a time when I have to buy the second machine."
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"On an average, each patient takes about 15 to 20 minutes to be treated. Some of them are even faster. But, sometimes we had so many patients for Sonotron Therapy that they had to wait in the waiting room."
"Sonotron is a simple machine. It is very fast to treat. However, when there are a lot of patients, then they will have to wait for their turn."
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"The service of Panmedic is very good. Each time I rang them up, they were very courteous. They gave a solution straight away”.
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"So far, the Sonotron machine which I bought has not given me any problem. It’s trouble-free and there is no servicing required. So, it is very easy to own one and to use it everyday."
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"Yes, I will definitely recommend it to my friends. In fact, I have told a few of my medical colleagues to buy it."
"Initially they complained of the cost of the machine. I told them that all machines are expensive and this machine is very easy to use and if they have about 30 patients a day, they can easily get 5 patients for the Sonotron therapy. These 5 patients will bring in more patients within a short span of time."
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"When I first bought the Sonotron machine, a Panmedic staff told me that when patients are on Sonotron Therapy, there is no necessity to give them painkillers."
Sonotron does not need the concurrent use of drugs to give its pain relieving effect |
"Initially, I was quite apprehensive. I used to give them some painkillers to take at night."
"However, when the patients came back for subsequent treatments, they just wanted Sonotron Therapy and didn’t want any medication at all."
"This is a healthy sign anyhow, because most of the patients are very apprehensive about taking painkillers. Even if you give them medication, most of them will not take them."
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"Since I bought the Sonotron machine, I have used it to treat a lot of cases. They were mainly musculoskeletal in origin. Most of the patients recovered after one or two treatments. There were a few interesting cases that I had treated."
"One of the cases was a lady of 70 years who had backache for the previous 2 to 3 years. She walked with a limp and needed the help of her family members."
Sonotron Therapy is non-invasive and does not give any side effect |
"She came for treatment. When she went home on that day, she could walk without any support. Subsequently, she came back for 2 more treatments and she has been well since then. My staff and myself, including her family members were really astonished to see her improvement."
"Another case was a young boy of 3 years. He had sinusitis for which he had gone for 2 operations."
"When I first saw him, his nostrils were covered with crusts. His father complained that for 3 months after the surgery, the boy could not sleep at all. His nose was blocked and he also had a lot of phlegm."
"When he first came here, I applied the Sonotron on his nostrils and over the sinuses. Immediately, the patient felt well and the crusts dried up. There was no more crust around the nostrils and he could sleep that night for the first time after a few months."
"Subsequently, he came for 2 more treatments and he had been well since then."
“There was another case of chronic sinusitis. He was a 15 year old boy who was supposed to go for a sinus surgery. We treated him with Sonotron Therapy for about one week on a daily basis. He improved and subsequently cancelled his surgery appointment."
Sonotron gives rapid and effective results for diabetic ulcers |
"l had a case concerning a 55 year old Indian man. About 25 years ago, he went to the General Hospital in Kuala Lumpur for a varicose vein surgery.”
"Following that surgery, he developed a very bad ulcer and a gross swelling of the leg. The surgeon and doctors at the hospital could not cure him. They discharged him and told him that there was nothing more they could do for him."
"I had been treating him for the last 4 years. I had sent him to the University Hospital to see an orthopaedic surgeon and also to a private hospital where a surgeon operated on him for RM10,000. Subsequently, he went back to the General Hospital. But, all of those treatments were of no help to him. His gross swelling of the leg and the ulcer were still there. He had constant pain everyday and could hardly walk. He was not able to perform his duty as a postman. So he was medically opted out."
“When I bought the Sonotron machine, I applied the Sonotron on his varicose ulcer for about 3 sessions. I also did compression dressing over his leg. Finally, the ulcer closed and he is very happy today."
"He was on Sonotron treatment once a week but came daily for dressing."
"There was also another case of a Malay lady who had cervical spondylosis for the last 10 years. She had constant pain and could not sleep."
Sonotron Therapy is effective for patients with chronic neck pain |
"She was always on treatments and had gone to the General Hospital for a few treatments. She was even hospitalized for one month at one time. She was put on traction and medication but she still had the pain."
"Then she came for Sonotron treatment. After the first treatment, she was pain free and could sleep at night. Subsequently, she came for another 2 times and she has been very well since then."
"Occasionally, she experienced mild pain that lasted a few minutes, once a month or once in two months. But, she did not take any medication."
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"A few days ago, I had one patient who was about 2 weeks old. This baby was delivered by forceps. He had brachial neuritis."
"We treated the baby with Sonotron. Immediately after the first Sonotron treatment, the baby started to move a little bit of his arm. The baby was quite well after a few treatments."
Sonotron Therapy is safe to use on young patients. |
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"I have treated patients as old as 80 years old. One of them was for stroke and some for backaches and osteoarthritis of the knees."
Apart from pain, Sonotron Therapy can be used to solve many other clinical problems of the aged. |
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"Yes. The only thing is I have yet to use it on pregnant ladies over their abdomen. But, I feel that it can be used safely for their arms and limbs even when they are pregnant."
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"Most of the patients told me that they wanted to get well because they had an important occasion or a meeting to attend. So, I told them that Sonotron Therapy was the only way for me to assure them that they could get well fast and they could attend the meetings”.
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"initially, most of the patients who came for treatments were panel patients.
"After that, those panel patients recommended their friends and relatives who became my cash patients. As the days went by, I found that there were more and more cash patients who came in for Sonotron Therapy."
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"When I first bought the Sonotron machine, I thought that would be the case."
"With the Sonotron treatment, the patient has immediate relief and will recover faster. So most of the companies do not mind the Sonotron treatment because it reduces their bills as well."
"Before, when their staff had sports injuries, they used to get well after one or two weeks or even three weeks. Now, they can get well faster and their need for medical leave also decreases. The companies are happier."
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l. SONOTRON produces beneficial clinical effects without the use of drugs.
2. SONOTRON delivers its effects non-invasively.
3. SONOTRON does not create any side effect.
4. SONOTRON is rapid in action to the extent of being instant.
5. SONOTRON offers excellent patient satisfaction.
6. SONOTRON creates spontaneously an eager want of patients to refer their friends, relatives and others to the doctor for treatment of their ailments.
7. SONOTRON offers an almost immediate increase in clinical expertise of the doctor, improve his professional image, and it follows from there a natural increase in financial status.
8. SONOTRON is easy to operate and to get results.
9. SONOTRON THERAPY offers doctors the much desired wish of their clinics to be still generating income while they are on holiday or retired, without the need to hire a locum.
10. SONOTRON increases income by reducing the purchasing of drugs, especially the expensive ones.
11. SONOTRON does not require the use of consumables like creams or lotions.
12. SONOTRON enables doctors to treat hard-to-solve clinical cases like chronic arthritis, chronic diabetic ulcers, chronic skin diseases, chronic nerve related problems, chronic respiratory cases, chronic pain of soft tissues... easily, rapidly, without the use of drugs and side effects, thereby enabling doctors to keep the patients to themselves without the need to refer them to others, except in cases that need surgery (if he is not a surgeon).
13. SONOTRON enables doctors to hasten the rehabilitation of stroke patients easily, rapidly, without the use of drugs and side effects.
14. SONOTRON enables doctors to immediately relieve symptoms of acute problems like sore throat, gastritis, toothache, headache from migraine, sinusitis, conjunctivitis easily, rapidly, without the use of drugs and side effects.
15. SONOTRON enables doctors to treat difficult clinical problems of babies, easily, rapidly, without drugs and side effects e.g. respiratory and pain problems.
16. SONOTRON enables doctors to treat treat many difficult clinical cases that have failed with drugs and surgery easily, rapidly, without the use of drugs and side effects.
17. SONOTRON enables doctors to face their future confidently.
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Frankly, one can't help but to imagine doctors who own the Sonotron to be getting results easily where drugs and surgeries have failed.
It is not surprising then to see them facing their future confidently.
Let's now turn our attention to yourself and your current treatment methods for chronic pain and others. Take time off for a moment and ASK YOURSELF the following questions:
1. "Do I have patients with hard-to-solve problems like recurring chronic pain?"
2. If yes, "AM I a hundred percent satisfied with the results achieved by my current methods of treatment?"
3. If not, "AM I facing problems, or difficulties with my current treatment methods?"
4. "What effects or consequences will befall me and my practice if I continue like this into the future whilst many doctors are having excellent results for chronic problems with their Sonotron?"
5. "Finally, would I like to see myself treating the chronic problems of my patients successfully, without drugs and side effects, besides receiving excellent patient satisfaction, like doctors who own the Sonotron?"
6. If yes"Can you see the immense value which you can add to your medical practice by just owning a Sonotron today?"
7. Finally, if it a yes, please call Panmedic now at 60-3-79543622 to talk to a Technical & Business Consultant on whether the Sonotron is right for you or on how you can own a Sonotron.
Don't hesitate ... Take ACTION now! ... to be better tomorrow than today by seizing the significant opportunities, values and possibilities that Sonotron offer you, that are no less than extraordinary!!
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