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The Effects of Corona Discharge Therapy.
Check out this Japanese university research on 488 clinical cases related to the spine and the joints to see how they came to a conclusion that 75% of the patients who were treated with Sonotron had relief against pain with no difference in effect among the different parts of the body; that the treatment although performed for a relatively short duration gave a continuous effect for a long period of time; that the therapy made a favourable impression in 78% of the cases.

Report on In-Vitro Characterization and Electrical Safety Testing of Sonotron Device.
Read this report from the Instrumentation Systems Center, University of Wisconsin, USA which found Sonotron to conform to existing ANSI standards for this class of electromedical device; that the output signals resemble the frequency spectra of electrosurgical units but with approximately 1/60 the current and power and the signal currents measured in joint tissue simulated applications indicate that the levels should be below the threshold of perception and the power levels small enough to preclude a burn hazard even in the event of inadvertent direct ground contact. These data indicate that the Sonotron device could reasonably be regarded as a non significant risk device.

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Joint Therapy Modality Comparison.
Read this comparison data between Sonotron, RF diathermy, ultrasound diathermy, and cold laser therapy.

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Corona Discharge Therapy For The Pain Of Knee Osteoarthrosis.
Check out this research paper published by Orthopedic Surgery, Extra Issue No. 27 (Measures for Pain Relief in Orthopedic Surgery) on how 4 Japanese university researchers found the Sonotron to be effective in 68.8% of patients with knee osteoarthrosis; 81.8% of the patients answered favorably with respect to their impression of the treatment; that the therapy showed more significant imrovement in the score of joint function evaluation when compared to the far-infrared radiation thermotherapy, and that the therapy had some neurostimulating effect for 116 knees with osteoarthritis, 294 days after treatment.

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Pulsed Radio Frequency Therapy Of Experimentally Induced Arthritis In Ponies.
Check out how American researchers found Sonotron to be effective in significantly improving carpal range of motion, degree of lameness, carpus swelling and radiographic lesions of 28 ponies in which arthritis was created using intra-articular amphotericin B to induce synovitis in the right middle carpal joint.

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Chronic Neck Pain

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Check out what En. Zulkepli Abu Samah,
Chief Physiotherapist of National Sports Institute of Malaysia says about his experience in treating national athletes with Sonotron as published by
The News Straits Times on 31st October 2007.
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Check out what Yu Wei, The Sun newspaper's writer, wrote about Sonotron Therapy after experiencing the therapy herself.
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This scientific paper on Corona DischargeTherapy For The Pain Of Knee Osteoarthrosis was published by doctors from the University

Of Nagoya in Japan.
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This scientific paper reveals how Sonotron can be used in pain management.
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