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Chronic Knee Pain, Case 2

Physiotherapist with Chronic Knee Pain

The patient, a 51 year old Physiotherapist, had pain in her left knee for 1 year. Had undergone physiotherapy treatment with Short Wave, Ultra-sound and Interferential, on and off, for 5 months. Was also on medication (Tilcotil - one tablet daily). She observed no improvement in her condition. She decided to stop the medication 3 months prior to the start of Sonotron Therapy.


Prior to the start of Sonotron therapy, patient complained of pain in her left knee whenever she bent her leg or squatted. She also felt the pain when sitting cross-legged. She could not pray in that position at all. She reported a pain score of 7 out of 10 when bending her legs. Her pain score rose to 9 out of 10 when she forced herself to sit cross-legged. She also observed that her left knee was slightly swollen on one side.


Before the Sonotron treatment, she was asked to locate by herself, the most painful spot in her knee. She located it by bending her left knee, at which time, she reported a pain score of 7 out of 10 and a pain score of 9 out of 10 when she tried to sit with her legs crossed.

Immediately after the treatment, she felt no more pain. She reported a pain score of 0 out of 10 on bending. When she sat with legs crossed, she only experienced a pain score of 3 out of 10.


In the morning of the 2nd therapy session, she only felt a bit of pain when sitting cross legged on the floor while praying. She reported her pain score to be around 2 out of 10 at her L-knee. But she didn't feel any pain on bending. It had disappeared. She also observed that the slight swelling on one side of her knee had also disappeared. When she sat cross legged, she experienced a pain score of only 2 out of 10.

Immediately after treatment, she registered an improvement in her pain, at a score of 1 out of 10, when she sat cross legged .


In the morning of the 3rd therapy session, when she had to sit cross legged during prayer time, she reported a pain score of around 1 out of 10 at her L-knee and her pain on bending did not return even on that day.

After therapy, she reported no pain at all when sitting cross legged on the floor. She commented that she felt much better and her comment about the treatment was "excellent".

RESULT ON MAY 19, 1995.

She reported that she had totally no pain when sitting cross legged on the floor as well as when bending her knees.

Although she was advised to continue with one or two more sessions to get a better overall treatment, she felt it was no longer necessary. Therefore, no treatment was administered to her on that day.

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Chronic Neck Pain

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Check out what En. Zulkepli Abu Samah,
Chief Physiotherapist of National Sports Institute of Malaysia says about his experience in treating national athletes with Sonotron as published by
The News Straits Times on 31st October 2007.
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Check out what Yu Wei, The Sun newspaper's writer, wrote about Sonotron Therapy after experiencing the therapy herself.
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This scientific paper on Corona DischargeTherapy For The Pain Of Knee Osteoarthrosis was published by doctors from the University

Of Nagoya in Japan.
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This scientific paper reveals how Sonotron can be used in pain management.
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Quick Links to Patient's Responses to Sonotron Therapy.

1. Cervical Spondylosis
(Chronic Neck Pain)
2. Chronic Neck Pain,
Case 1
3. Chronic Neck Pain,
Case 2
4. Chronic Arm Problem
5. Spondylolisthesis,
(Low Back Pain)
6. Chronic Knee Pain,
Case 1
7. Chronic Knee Pain,
Case 2
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